Communication is a dynamic yet significant process. From the start of the day to conclude your last meeting- it is integral to all steps of the day. Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions through speech, gestures, writing and behaviour.
A combined study of Harvard, Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Centre found that 85% of personal and professional success depends on soft skills and people skills. This data point, not only refocuses on the significance of communication but its daily application. A good communicator knows how to stand apart and motivate their teams and co-workers to get better outcomes.
Effective communication is followed by active listening. A skill, which involves knowing how to listen attentively and patiently. In other words, it’s the ability to offer empathy, open-mindedness, and helpful feedback based on what you hear.
Effective communication can put a professional/team/business ahead by:
1. Setting Trust
Effective communication instils trust with others around. Your ability to listen attentively and pick different viewpoints gives confidence to others that you will make a justified decision.
2. Reduces Friction
Communicating effectively plays a significant role in resolving conflicts and preventing potential ones from arising. Remaining and maintaining calmness is the main purpose.
3. Provides Precision
Clarity escalates with effective communication, and expectations and objectives are set in personal and professional spaces.
4. Cordial Relations
Communication gaps are largely responsible for arguments and quarrels. Effective and precise communication aims at developing cordial relations with others. As a result, mutual respect is developed.
5. Enhances Productivity and Satisfaction
Precise communication rules out the possibility of unnecessary blame games and gossip directing energy to increased results.
6. Fosters Team Spirit
Refreshed communication encourages oneness among different members as a unit. They strive towards common goals with zeal and zest.
Mindful communication nurtures positive work experience. Each person feels important and understood.
Zenfide Learning provides interesting programs that not only emphasise the skill but use models to make it integral to one’s daily actions and interactions. Check our programs here
About the author: Dr Bindu is a counselling psychologist with more than 20 years of practice and experience. Her post-graduation in Human Development and Doctoral degree in Psychology along with her innate passion has enabled her to touch many lives.